Sunday, December 9, 2007

cow sense - cutting horse

A great horse is born that way. Although the music leaves much to be desired (turn the volume way down)- the horse has excellent breeding. The Horse - knows what to do. When someone lets you ride a cutting horse - you are generally instructed to stay off the horses shoulders, hold the reins loose, one hand on the horn and the other on the side of the saddle - stay centered - the horse knows what to do. The rider is a passanger, visualize as the horse works how difficult staying in the saddle would be......Somewhere in this horses past was an il-fitted saddle which created the white spots on both shoulders - probably why he is feeling so good - no saddle.
The Amateur in this picture looks like the ultimate horseman, actually it is my first time riding a cutting horse. I was told to stay out of the horses way, hold on, let gravity allow your body to stay centered - and finally the horse will stop when the cow stops. Notice the horse has no tie-down - no resitrictions - the rider must have total confidence in the horse - June 2003 - Montana

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